Google Search

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
On Monday I made it my mission to find out where Apizza Scholls got their Old Style tall-boys from. There is a Bears-Packers game this weekend and I'm optimistic it'll be on TV at home. It took 1 sec of a google search to find my first option, they had an online beer search and I was off.
Looks like a convienence store, no parking, but 1000 beers. Picked up:
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Next President of the United States is...... A WHITE SOX FAN!
1 comments Posted by Jonathan at 10:13 PMChicagoan and White Sox Fan Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States.
Here in Oregon we have a vote by mail system. Everyone has either already mailed their ballot back in or are dropping off at designated boxes in their area. Really takes some of the excitement out of Election Day. No stickers, No crazy registration problems. I'm curious if the state has already started counting the early ballots, they have a table of how many ballots from each county they have received each day. Not sure if at 8pm we'll have a quick "with 66% of the precincts reporting..."
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated.
0 comments Posted by Jonathan at 7:35 PMSo in Wales, they have to have official signs in both English and in Welsh. When they needed this residential site only sign translated, they only got back "I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated." I can only assume that NO ONE in the chain of command speaks ANY Welsh.
Its very similar in Ireland, where all the information is also in Irish (Gaeilge). Hopefully they avoid these similar problems.
Source: BBC News
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I don't care for Bud Light, but this commercial made me laugh