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Saturday, March 14, 2009
It finally happened. Olivia and I got married in Clifden, Ireland on February 28. It truly was a wonderful day and everything that people say/write/make movies about came true. We had a great time with our family and friends that made the long trip. I'm happy to report that quite a few of those people have told us how much fun the wedding/trip was and some even said it was the best wedding EVER! =)
We don't have any official photographs yet, but that's the Church we got married in. It would be too much to write of every cool/funny thing that happened in our 2 weeks in Ireland, but I think I'll try to shoot for 4 anecdotes a week for a while. There's a lot to be shared.
I feel very lucky and Olivia is excited because we might end up in an Irish Wedding Magazine.
On a Portland front, I've accepted a temporary position with the Census 2010. I start in a few weeks, so thats something.
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