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Saturday, September 6, 2008
Whew! Finally got out of Hell-A this morning. Basically, we got on the 5 North and stayed there. We were able to easily average 75 mph through some desolate countryside. My thermometer said it was 108 degrees outside and it felt like it. Since my Blazer was packed full, I really had to watch my engine temperature. Several times I had to turn the A/C off and bake for a while to drop the temperature... not fun. Sacramento seems to be the dividing line between desolate wasteland and livable conditions. We remember it was the same on our trip to Lake Tahoe, too.
Beenie and Dion were my travelling companions. Overall, they took the ride pretty well, but they were antsy by the end of the day.
We're spending the night in Redding, CA. Had dinner at Cattlemens. Huge servings of food, Olivia actually got half a Cow worth of ribs. We have 90% of them left for tomorrow. I dunno, I'll have to wait to be witty and amusing as after this long day of driving, you're stuck with mindless drivel, mostly.
Tomorrow, to Portland!
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